Coffee Talk

Good morning, NewsViewers, and welcome to the new chaos bombarding us in our homes thanks to the irrational authoritarian on the other side of the globe — as opposed to the usual chaos coming from the irrational authoritarian in Palm Beach, Florida.

Comparatively, isn’t it just another day in paradise?

The coffee is on, and it’s dark, like my thoughts and the outlook for Ukraine.

We will keep our free chat zone here to use as you please today, as we carry on with our relatively peaceful existence. If you need to rant, we’re here. If you need diversion, this is where it can happen.

Today’s Topic

We’ll be hearing a lot more rabble from the opponents of peace on Earth, whether it comes from your co-workers, MAGA family members, or from TFG — this f***ing guy.

What’s your escape, your happy place?

How do you balance staying informed and staying sane? What’s your coping skill?

There’s got to be more in this crazy life than chaos.

How do you find your zen?

Happy Thursday, friends — let’s hear it, whatever you’ve got. We’re here for each other.