Whitmer Kidnapping Trial Ends With No Convictions

In a case that highlighted the growth of violent extremism in America,  the jury spent three weeks listening to testimony about how four-like minded men bonded over social media, vented about the government controlling their lives, and then came together through a group called the Wolverine Watchmen – a self-proclaimed Michigan militia that wanted to spark a second Civil War, and use the Whitmer kidnap as a starting point.

The trial ended with two acquitted, and a mistrial declared for two others.

There were 10 charges in the case: one against Brandon Caserta, two against Adam Fox, three against Barry Croft Jr. and four against Daniel Harris. The men all faced the main charge of a kidnapping conspiracy; the other counts are related to explosives and a firearm.

Brandon Caserto and Daniel Harris were acquitted and were free to go.

The jury was deadlocked against Adam Fox and Barry Croft Jr. and a mistrial was declared.


Defense attorneys portrayed their clients as credulous weekend warriors prone to big, wild talk, who were often stoned. They said FBI undercover agents and informants tricked and cajoled the men into agreeing to a conspiracy.

To counter that entrapment claim, prosecutors entered evidence that the men discussed abducting Whitmer before the FBI sting began. They went way beyond talk, including scouting Whitmer’s summer home and testing explosives, prosecutors told jurors.

Freep, Detroit News