“No, Mr. ‘President,’ We Can’t Launch Missiles into Mexico to Blow Up Drug Labs and Destroy the Cartels.’

Yes, TFG suggested launching a missile attack on Mexico to blow up drug labs and destroy the cartels.

In former Defense Secretary Mark Esper’s book, “A Sacred Oath: Memoirs of a Secretary of Defense During Extraordinary Times,”  due out for release on Tuesday, Esper recounts an incident where TFG asked about the possibility of launching missiles into Mexico to “destroy the drug labs” and wipe out the cartels, ‘maintaining that the United States’ involvement in a strike against its southern neighbor could be kept secret.’

“We could just shoot some Patriot missiles and take out the labs, quietly. No one would know it was us.”

According to Esper, TFG added he ‘would just say that the United States had not conducted the strike.’ In other words, TFG would lie.

Earlier this week, News Views posted a claim from Esper’s book that alleged TFG wanted to shoot demonstrators that filled the streets around the White House following the death of George Floyd.

These aren’t the only claims Esper made after leaving the Trump administration. He also talks about how TFG grew more emboldened and erratic after the Senate acquitted him following his first impeachment trial. Esper also claimed that TFG, “whose re-election prospects were reshaped by his repeated bungling of the response to the coronavirus pandemic, behaved so erratically at a May 9 meeting about China with the Joint Chiefs of Staff that one officer grew alarmed. The unidentified officer confided to Mr. Esper months later that the meeting led him to research the 25th Amendment, under which the vice president and members of the cabinet can remove a president from office, to see what was required and under what circumstances it might be used.

Mr. Esper writes that he never believed Mr. Trump’s conduct rose to the level of needing to invoke the 25th Amendment.”

Read more at The New York Times:

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