US House Subcommittee holds hearings on UFO sightings

The Pentagon’s top intelligence official on Tuesday vowed to apply “rigorous scientific analysis” to learning the origin of UFOs, in a rare public hearing on the highly secretive and controversial mystery.

Ronald Moultrie, DoD’s undersecretary for intelligence, told a subcommittee of the House Intelligence Committee that the Pentagon is committed “to a focused effort to determine their origins,” according to his prepared testimony.

The hearing comes amid an internal feud over how much to share with the public, and as lawmakers criticize intel agencies for being less than forthcoming on what they have learned so far.

Moultrie, a veteran of the National Security Agency who has been in his current post since last June, also offered the committee a fairly limited definition for “unexplained aerial phenomena,” the government’s term for UFOs. (more)

“Are we holding materials, organic or inorganic, that we don’t know about? Are we picking up emanations that are something other than light or infrared that could be deemed to be communications?”

Bray replied that many UAP observations simply lacked enough data to provide a reasonable explanation, and added: “When it comes to material that we have, we have no material, we have detected no emanations within the UAP Task Force that would suggest it’s anything non-terrestrial in origin.”

Bray did point out that some UAPs have more data on them than others, such as cases where there have been indications of flight characteristics that he described as “not what we had expected.” But for now, the idea that the U.S. government, at least within the oversight of the UAP Task Force, is aware of alien technology, remains in the realm of science fiction.

Politico and Newsweek