Conservative ‘Women’s Leadership’ Conference Promotes Kyle Rittenhouse as Great Husband Material

At a “women’s leadership” conference hosted hosted by the conservative organization Turning Point USA, Kyle Rittenhouse was promoted as an ideal catch for women who are looking for a husband.

According to Newsweek, although the conference was billed as promoting women’s leadership, “much of the advice seemed geared towards encouraging the attendees—who were all of high school or college age—to find a husband to look after them and focus on having babies and becoming homemakers.”

Rittenhouse, who now 19, first made headlines when he shot three people, killing two of them, during riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin in the wake of the police shooting of a black man, Jacob Blake, who was left paralyzed from the waist down.


Despite Rittenhouse’s complicated past, Turning Point USA’s Chief Creative Officer Benny Johnson was in no doubt that the teenager would make a good romantic match for any of the young women at the leadership summit. He asked the crowd: “Who in this room is unmarried? Oh my! OK. Well, Kyle Rittenhouse is backstage!”

Once he had brought Rittenhouse out to join him, the political columnist introduced him by telling the audience: “I want to talk a lot about what kind of man you should want to be attracted to… Men: your number one goal is to protect your family and to stand strong in the face of opposition from culture and evil, and Kyle Rittenhouse is a man who does that.” As whoops and cheers broke out, Johnson added: “God bless Kyle Rittenhouse.”

Rittenhouse has become something of a poster boy for the right, although his future remains unclear. He said he hadn’t made any money from his publicity tour after the trial. Last week, he announced he was due to attend Texas A&M University but the institution released a statement saying he was not enrolled as a student. (he lied) Last year he announced he would be attending Arizona State University. (he lied) He also revealed he has plans to sue the media and celebrities for branding him a murderer, despite his acquittal. And he is also said to be considering writing a book about his life experiences.


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