Last Call: June 18, 2022

Goooood evening, News Viewers and welcome to Saturday night. I hope everyone is staying safe and doing well. Remember, COVID-19 is not done with us so continue to follow CDC protocols. Check you city/town’s COVID-19 Community Level “when planning activities, consider getting tested before you travel, and remember that being outdoors is safest.” Don’t listen to radicalized, ignorant MAGAts because they could get you killed with their fake COVID-19 cures and misinformation about the vaccines.

And a Happy Pop’s Day to all the fathers in the room. I sure miss my Pop; he was the best!

So, I decided to try something different tonight; change things up. We’re going to post music!

In the old Disqus Channel days, News Views partnered with Skip/Repeat…I think it was them, so long ago, but we would do a history of news/events of a each decade, 1900s to the present. News Views would then send our folks over there to post musical videos from whatever decade we focused on. It was fun but a lot of work on our end.

So, tonight, if you want, you don’t have to, post music from the decade you graduated high school. It doesn’t have to be the year you graduated, just the decade.

I shall begin–I was an 80s child and here are three songs I chose from that decade. I listened to some Rock but I was and still am an Old School girl:

Ok, so, while looking for the original video, I found the version Prince performed at Super Bowl XLI Halftime Show. I forgot about this and definitely forgot that it was pouring down rain when he performed. No, I didn’t graduate in 2007…but y’all knew that already. I just liked the trip down memory lane. But Purple Rain and Let’s Go Crazy (not one of my favorites at all) came out in the 80s, the decade I graduated…freaking getting old.

And for Jaye—Tina Turner makes her comeback:

Oh, man–this so reminds me of one of my cousins who could NOT pull her ass away from MTV. She’s older than I am but when I was younger, she and I were pretty close and had a lot of fun together. She drove like a freaking maniac with the radio always on blast. The L.A. freeways are not the place to drive like a freaking maniac but we survived.

The 80s not only brought us big hair, bad perms, some very lame clothing styles, Ronald Raygun, it brought us MTV as well.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend! I look forward to listening to the music you chose.

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About Ms. G 5735 Articles
WTF, America?! What the actual F?!