Adam Kinzinger releases a compilation of MAGAts threatening him

Not only do MAGAts storm our Capitol Building causing death, destruction, and mayhem because their KKKult leader told them the 2020 election was rigged and stolen from him. Not only do they parade down streets carrying Tiki torches and while declaring they won’t be ‘replaced.’ Not only do MAGAts jump in their cars and run over peaceful protestors or shoot them and literally get away with murder (Cryin’ Kyle). Not only do they shoot up grocery stores, synagogues, and 4th of July parades, they also engage in death threats against those who want to save our democracy and prevent another January 6, 2021 from occurring.

On Tuesday, Rep. Adam Kinzinger released a compilation of threats he’s received from those who claim they’re ‘patriots,’ ‘real Americans,’ and ‘Christians.’ They’re none of the above; they’re MAGAts.

This is your brain on MAGAt:

From USA Today:

Kinzinger is one of nine members of the Jan. 6 committee, many of whom have also reported an increase in threats. The Washington Post reported June 22 that all members of the Jan. 6 committee are likely to receive a security detail.

Kinzinger told CNN last month that he increased personal security, and other lawmakers beefed up their own security amid increased violent threats, according to reports. Reps. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., chairman of the committee, and Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., the vice chair, have already had security detail for some time, according to reports. 

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