Good Thursday moanin’ NV friends, welcome to Coffee Talk and the free chat page of the day.
Free chat means we enter the realm of your choice. Think of free chat as your escape plan, where we welcome your random thoughts, news items, jokes, cat stories, memes and meteorological observations.
Speaking of escape plans —

Today’s Topic
The preparations are underway for the summer escape — the shoreline road trip that takes us away, Calgon. The gathering of the beach towels, sunscreens, coverups — and most importantly the snacks! — has begun in earnest to leave the chores, appointments, and cares behind for a week.
What are your essential road trip snacks?
We break it down to two categories:
In the cooler: bottled water, soda, and cheese sticks. (Okay, there may or may not be a small sipping flask of cheerful spirits.)
In the bag: mixed nuts and Twizzlers –hey, they’re vegan, so healthy, amirite?

But I’m always open to ideas. Got any?
The next few days are forecasted to be blue skies and low 80s, and at the first of the week (when we head out) will be ramping up to 90s. It’s perfect timing to enjoy the natural air conditioning of the Great Lakes. I hope each of you are able to plan an escape of your own!
Happy Thursday, enjoy your free chat! Remember, today’s topic is a suggestion, not a rule…. What’s going on in your kingdom?