With so much going on in our world, we sometimes miss important issues. Please feel free to share any headlines we may have missed or new developments providing they come from reliable and credible sources. We won’t accept any parroted, Russian propaganda from far-right ‘news’ sources unless you’re trying to point out that the far-right extremist in our country and elsewhere actually believe their own BS or Russian disinformation. Nor, will we except any parroted far-right BS regarding issues occurring here, at home. We also ask that you provide a link to your source so folks can read it if they want. Please do not make any claims that you cannot factually validate or verify.
Today in Fake News:
Is This a Real Trump Statement About Biden’s COVID-19 Diagnosis?
An image is spreading supposedly showing a statement by the former president wishing Biden a “speedy recovery” because “no one wants Kamala [Harris]” as president.

Better than the Lottery:
California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Friday signed a bill into law that allows private citizens to bring civil action against anyone who manufactures, distributes, transports or imports assault weapons or ghost guns, which are banned in the state.
Under the California law, a person would also be able to sue a licensed firearms dealer who “sells, supplies, delivers, or gives possession or control of a firearm” to anyone under 21 years old. It allows citizens to sue for a minimum of $10,000 on each weapon involved, as well as attorney fees.
Newsom, a Democrat, on Friday acknowledged that the law would likely be challenged in court.
President Biden/Biden Administration:

Should’ve Listened to Dr. Fauci Instead of Some Ignorant, Malignant, Illiterate, Racist, Fundie Freak MAGAt:
Texas Paul ‘Knocks It Out of the Park’ Again:
Said the Vaccinated, Racist Asshole:
How Grown-ups Act When They Lose an Election:
Ivan Bates wins Democratic primary for Baltimore State’s Attorney; Marilyn Mosby comes up short of third term
Defense attorney Ivan Bates has won the Democratic primary for Baltimore’s top prosecutor, defeating incumbent State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby, who will leave the office after two terms.
No more Christofascist, Fundie Freaks in Government:
When Voting, Choose Wisely:
The Worst People in the World:
Craven Assholes:
Fundie Freak KKKaucus:
A Bunch of KKKraven Assholes Spoke at Turning Point Action:
An Older Article on Radicalized Josh. Or is he one of those Joe turned Josh guys?
GOP Sen. Josh Hawley wrote a column in defense of militia members in the wake of Oklahoma City bombing when he was 15
Back to the Turning Point KKKraven Assholes:
TFG Held a KKKlan Rally in crAZy:
Fundie Freak Alert:
TFG Takes the Stage:
‘I Have Too Much Respect for the White House’: Donald Trump Blasts Jan. 6 Committee ‘Persecution’
“I had a very good and luxurious life before entering the wonderful world of politics,” the beleaguered ex-president said