Coffee Talk

Good morning, News Viewers, time to wake up and smell the coffee! Unfortunately, of course, first we must make the coffee….

… before we get to drink the coffee.

And then, per Coffee Talk protocols, we can get to work solving problems. Or at least complaining about them, or simply chatting. Admittedly, this takes a lot of coffee.

By now we all must know that Coffee Talk is Thursday’s free chat, but we slip in a suggested topic to get the ball rolling.

Today’s Topic

The NFL season kicks off tonight at 8:20pm ET as the Los Angeles Rams meet the Buffalo Bills. Are you ready for some football?

It was an interesting season last year, and who would’ve bet on the Rams taking the championship? Today Coffee Talk gives you the chance to go out on a limb and put your (fake) bets in the Coffee Talk books.

Who will win the Super Bowl this year?

Go ahead, have some fun with this, but know that News Views is here for the cheap talk, no official bets.

Enjoy your Thursday, your free chat, and later on, enjoy the upcoming games.