Last Call: October 08, 2022

Good evening, News Viewers, and welcome to the weekend. I hope all is well with you guys and everyone is staying safe and healthy.

I’m fighting off a cold and it sucks. I haven’t had one of those guys for nearly three years. It’s not bad but it’s really annoying because I’m so tired. No, it’s not COVID-19; it’s a cold that has floated around our family. I guess it’s my turn.

So, I’m going to hand the mic over to you guys so you can talk about pretty much you want. I think I’m going to get me some soup from somewhere, even though it’s freaking 90+ degrees but soup is my go-to food when I feel like poo!

And for the cat people out there:

Where have I seen this before?

I bought a 6′ Fiddle Leaf Fig tree for ‘pennies on the dollar’ the other day even though, I already have a 4 ft. one that I started from a clipping from my mother in law’s plant last year. I kept thinking I would either gift it to my stepson who just bought a house, resell it, or….keep it. Shockingly, Mr. G. was the one who said, ‘keep it; it’s pretty cool.’

So, I repotted it in a rather large container and it’s looking just gorgeous in a corner in my recently painted dining room. I didn’t put this one outside because it’s not acclimated to the the outdoors and why? In a few weeks, they’re all coming inside or going in my new greenhouse that arrived yesterday. But those felines!!!!

Long story short: Hubby put a short, decorative, wire fence around the tree because they tried playing their digging game and Domenic kept trying to figure out how to climb it. WRONG! They both got the squirt gun that I forgot I bought several months ago just for them. The fencing has worked out so far.

Anyway, enjoy the rest of the weekend!

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About Ms. G 5736 Articles
WTF, America?! What the actual F?!