Coffee Talk

Good morning, fellow News Viewers, and Happy Thursday! It’s time for Coffee Talk, where you have free rein to discuss anything on your mind, or the alternative topic of the day.

The sun is about to rise and the coffee is on, which means it’s about time to start cyberchatting and solving world problems together. And the hits keep on coming, so it’s good to have so many great thinkers on board.

Last night I dreamed a military plane landed in a field next to our house. Before long, there were unfriendly foreign soldiers invading my pantry and asking me to grab a toothbrush and gather with my neighbors to be escorted to a refugee encampment.

Today’s Topic

With so many tragedies happening in real world time, it’s no wonder the subconscious is being invaded at night. It’s hard to keep track of all we have to worry about — from war, hunger, inflation, violence, and political corruption — it’s a concern among the global community, not limited to the confines of the U.S. border as some Ultra Stupid would like us to believe. When did it come to this?

When I think back to my life even ten years ago, sure we had problems but nothing like we have today.

I could reasonably believe that each day would bring daily tasks and daily respite. Seasons would come and go, we could believe in working hard in order to enjoy our lives with family and friends. Rinse and repeat.

What do you miss about life ten years ago?

I miss crossing items off my lists, from material items to services for hire. I miss having conversations without having to monitor the content. I miss passing strangers and not wondering whether or not they are MAGAe.

I admit when I thought of this topic, I was hoping to be reminded of better times — and I’m hoping that’s where you all will come in and fill in the blanks.

I miss 2012.

Let’s make it a great Thursday, friends. Looks like there’s chaos across the pond today, developing as I write this, that may remind us we’re not alone in our troubles.