Voter Intimidation is Alive and Well; See Something, Say Something

As several states began early voting or ballot drop off locations, “armed and masked men wearing tactical gear surveilled a drop box outside the Maricopa County Juvenile Court building in Mesa, AZ.” 

Witnesses called the police and the sheriff says his office will ‘babysit polling sites’ if that’s what has to be done to protect democracy. But, the sheriff also “after deputies responded, they ‘were able to determine that the individuals were not breaking any laws and were more than 75 feet away from the ballot box, as required by law.’”

The armed thugs returned the next day to monitor ballot drop boxes and were caught on camera engaged in a confrontation with observers who came to monitor them.

According to CNN, “an association for retirees and an organization for Latino voters are seeking a temporary restraining order against a group they allege is coordinating a campaign of voter intimidation in Arizona.

The restraining order request was filed Monday evening with a federal court lawsuit alleging that the group Clean Elections USA and its founder, Melody Jennings, were running afoul of federal law with incidents near ballot drop box locations in Arizona.

The lawsuit accuses the defendants of a “coordinated campaign of vigilante voter intimidation” in violation of the Voting Rights Act and federal civil rights law.”

Arizona Voter Intimidation Challenge

Arizona Alliance for Retired Americans v. Clean Elections USA

On Monday’s edition of the Rachel Maddow show, Rachel did some awesome explaining on voter intimidation dating back to the 2020 Election and what’s happening today:

See something, say something:

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WTF, America?! What the actual F?!