Kari Lake Takes the Crazy Train to Mar-a-Lago

The Trump-loving Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake jetted off to Mar-a-Lago on Thursday instead of conceding her election loss to Democratic candidate Katie Hobbs.

Lake’s visit to Mar-a-Lago, while vote counting continues in Arizona, signals that she is already taking steps to maintain her profile in Trump’s orbit.

The failed GOP candidate received a standing ovation when she entered a luncheon hosted at the club by the America First Policy Institute, a think tank founded last year by Trump allies and former members of his administration. 

In the early hours of Election Day, printers at 70 of the county’s 223 polling sites produced ballots with ink that was too light to be read by vote-counting machines. That caused ballots to be rejected by the machines. Voters were told to either wait in line, travel to another voting location or deposit their ballots in secure boxes that were transferred to downtown Phoenix and counted there. County officials dispatched technicians to fix settings on the printers experiencing the problems. While technicians were out at other polling locations, they also changed settings on printers proactively, a county spokesperson said. County officials plan to investigate the root cause of the printer problems in the coming weeks.


The Lake campaign issued a series of video testimonials from voters who claimed they were denied the right to vote. The videos included a link to Lake’s fundraising page.

Washington Post, Raw Story