Louisiana Republican Party Condemns Brittney Griner Prisoner Swap

The Louisiana Republican State Central Committee voted Saturday to condemn the Biden administration’s prisoner swap with Russia that led to the release of basketball star Brittney Griner

On Saturday, Louisiana Republicans initially considered a version of their resolution that described Griner as “LGBT woke” until Grover Rees petitioned his colleagues to remove the language.

“There is no need to point out the sexual orientation [of Griner], which is irrelevant,” said Rees, a former U.S. ambassador to East Timor who lives in Lafayette. 

Suzanne White, who drafted the resolution, pushed back on Rees’ amendment. White said Griner was released because she is a “woke” LGBTQ woman. She also criticized the WNBA for being “all about” LGBTQ rights.


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