Ga. Elementary School Principal, PE Teacher Fired for Having Sex at School. Wife Watched & Recorded

 Principal Dr. Dana Simmons, Kelsey Charles, and Her Husband Gym Teacher Dylan Charles

A third-party investigation, requested by Banks County Superintendent Dr. Ann Hopkins, began after Banks County Elementary School Principal Dr. Dana Simmons raised concerns that PE teacher Dylan Charles had bugged her office.

After a meeting with top district officials, Charles admitted to administrators that he had been having an affair with Simmons for several years, both at the school and off campus. Charles provided administrators with photos of the two of them kissing. Simmons denied having sex with Charles, stating they had an “inappropriate friendship,” but did not elaborate on what that entailed.

While speaking with investigators, Charles also shared a photo of a naked man and woman having sex. The faces were unclear, but he identified them as himself and Simmons. He later shared a picture of a nude Simmons in a room identified as the restroom adjacent to her office at the school. and another of Simmons performing oral sex on a man in a car.

❋Kelsey Charles, who’s also a teacher at the school,  provided a photo of Principal Simmons performing oral sex on a man in a car.

❋  Principal Dana Simmons said Dylan Charles’ wife, Kelsey, set up their sexual encounters, would watch and record.

❋ Kelsey Charles sent a text message asking Principal Dana Simmons if she wanted to have sex with her husband Dylan. Spoiler alert, the answer was “yes”.


Don’t miss a detail, read the report.

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