Talko Tuesday: February 21, 2023

Good morning, News Viewers. Hope everyone got some much needed rest or did something somewhat fun during the long weekend. We prepared for the roofers that should be here this week; I’m confused on the date. I thought they would be here today but my husband says Friday. Whatever…I’ll be here but, I’m wondering if they will.

So, I pull up the National Weather Service forecast last night and we’re in for some changes that will affect the entire country. We might get snow Wednesday evening—yes, snow. We don’t get snow; we have, like a once in a blue moon type of event, but, we might get snow. I even looked at the forecast for some of my favorite seaside towns and they might get snow—snow on the ocean. Sounds weird? It is! But, so has this entire winter been weird—cold AF and if it’s not cold AF, it’s dumping down rain!

Then, I pulled up a link the NWS furnished and apparently, as our storm moves east, it will be intense and affect pretty much the entire country.

Valid 00Z Tue Feb 21 2023 – 00Z Thu Feb 23 2023 …A major winter storm will spread a large swath of heavy snow from the West Coast to the Northeast through Thursday.
Clipper system to bring light to moderate snow to the Upper Midwest, Great Lakes and interior Northeast.
Widespread record breaking cold in the West and record breaking warmth in the East are possible on Wednesday and Thursday.

We had a taste of spring yesterday and a few days last week. We took advantage of it and created an area for the roofers (away from my plants) to put their stuff. I even added in the contract with them: Be mindful of my plants and do not destroy them! But, I think the “Clipper” system might put the whole new roof thingy on hold. I want spring and I want winter to be in the rearview mirror.

Have a great day and stay safe….and warm!

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WTF, America?! What the actual F?!