New Intel Report Says Havana Syndrome Not Likely Caused By Foreign Adversary

Several different U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded that the symptoms of “Havana Syndrome” were not likely caused by a foreign adversary weaponizing energy waves.

This new assessment caps a years-long effort by the CIA and several other U.S. intelligence agencies to explain why career diplomats, intelligence officers and others serving in U.S. missions around the world experienced what they described as strange and painful acoustic sensations. The effects of this mysterious trauma shortened careers, racked up large medical bills and in some cases caused severe physical and emotional suffering.

The symptoms included ringing in the ears followed by pressure in the head and nausea, headaches and acute discomfort.

Many of the afflicted victims felt they were targeted by Russia or another adversarial government, but the report contradicts the claims in nearly every respect.

Seven agencies participated in the study of approximately 1,000 cases, and five agencies determined it “very unlikely” that a direct action or an indirect result of some other activity such as electronic surveillance was at fault.

In a statement, CIA Director William J. Burns said analysts had conducted “one of the largest and most intensive investigations in the Agency’s history. I and my leadership team stand firmly behind the work conducted and the findings.”

Washington Post, Daily Beast