Nazis Protest Ohio Drag Event

“We’re not here to turn your kids gay,” said Parasol Patrol Co-Founder Pasha Ripley. “We’re here to keep the gay kids alive.”

News 5 Cleveland:

A protest happened during planned ‘Rock-n-Roll Humanist Drag Queen Story Hour’ at Wadsworth Memorial Park (Ohio!) on Saturday. A group tried to put on a drag storytelling event for children but were met with a bunch of Nazis and White Supremacists shouting anti-gay slurs at them as they walked to a fenced-off area set up for them to watch the “Rock-n-Roll Humanist Drag Queen Story Hour.”

White supremacist and white nationalist groups, including at least one participant wearing a Proud Boys hoodie, rallied, with many loudly shouting racist and homophobic slurs at onlookers and others. They shouted, “Heil Hitler” and a man on a loudspeaker chanted, “Sieg,” as protesters responded, “Heil!”

No reports of any injuries were reported but Nazis are alive and well in the great state of Ohio!

***Be creative when spelling the word, Nazi—Disqus has issues with the word and their filter will get your comment marked as pending. Naaaazi, Nazzzzzi, Natseee, etc. are examples of getting creative with the spelling of, Nazi.

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WTF, America?! What the actual F?!