Dominion v. Fox Trial on Hold For Settlement Talks

The defamation case between Dominion Voting Systems and Fox News has been delayed by one day, according to the Wall Street Journal, which, like Fox News, is controlled by Rupert Murdoch.

According to sources with knowledge, the delay is to allow both parties a last-minute opportunity to come to a settlement agreement.

Judge Eric M. Davis of Delaware Superior Court said only that he would make an announcement on Monday morning that proceedings would be delayed 24 hours. One source said the judge asked the parties to make one final effort to settle before trial started. The last round of mediation between Fox and Dominion occured in December 2022.

Dominion officials have insisted they would not settle without a full-throated apology and acknowledgment from Fox that it aired false information.

The trial is scheduled to be held in Delaware, where Dominion is incorporated. Therefore, jurors will be drawn from among the state’s electorate, which voted overwhelmingly in the 2020 presidential election for Joe Biden, one of the state’s most popular politicians.

Jury selection began on Thursday, but was to conclude on Monday after several jurors were unable to return to court on Friday.

Dominion is seeking $1.6 billion in the case, alleging that Fox guests and hosts defamed the company and severely damaged its business by trying to connect it to a plot to steal the 2020 presidential election.

Embarrassing witness testimony is expected from Fox stars Tucker Carlson, Maria Bartiroma, Sean Hannity, and chief executive, 92-year-old Rupert Murdoch.

Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, CNN