MyPillow guy, Mike Lindell, appeared on fellow Christian Steve Bannon’s War Room this morning. Bannon asked Lindell about artificial intelligence and voting.
“The artificial intelligence changes everything. You can’t have anything related to a machine have anything to do whatsoever with a vote. It’s got to be a paper freaking ballot. I’ve been saying that for almost two years , and with the artificial intelligence, you won’t even be able to catch them. They’ll know what you’re gonna vote for before you even think it.”

Bannon’s War Room with his Jesus paintings and trinkets
“It’s over; it’s over. It’s End Times, everybody. Just pray, everybody. Get as many people to the Lord as you can, and we all go to heaven. This is it. This is it, everybody, and this artificial intelligence, it’s anybody that wasn’t on board… I don’t care what you think, or you’ve seen all our evidence, and it’s over. If you’re not on board, then you better think again when you look at artificial intelligence.”