Sheriff Declines to Serve Legal Notices After Ammon Bundy Warns He’s ‘At His Breaking Point’

Bundy, with his pal Robert “LaVoy” Finicum, Lavoy was shot and killed when he pulled a gun on a FBI agent in connection to Bundy’s takeover of an Oregon bird sanctuary in 2016

Is Threatening Anyone Trying to Serve Him Court Papers, Lawsuit Claims

In a Monday filing, lawyers for St. Luke’s Health System accused Bundy of trying to avoid his day in court by threatening process servers who deliver his court papers. St. Luke’s contends that Bundy, who leads the right-wing activist group People’s Rights Network, has attempted to intimidate process servers and even a local sheriff’s department when deputies tried delivering documents to his home. An April 12 letter from the sheriff, including in new court filings, suggests that the sheriff has also given up trying to contact Bundy.

Bundy and the PRN are accused of doxxing and defaming St. Luke’s staff, after the hospital treated a PRN member’s grandson who was diagnosed with “severe malnourishment,” against the child’s family’s wishes. The baby was returned to his parents after three days of hospital treatment. While protesting the hospital, Bundy was arrested for alleged trespassing after he blocked an ambulance bay, sending the facility into lockdown during which time it was unable to receive ambulances.

Bundy and his merry band of thugs protest outside St. Lukes Hospital

Even after the initial furor, Bundy and the PRN continued to fundraise off conspiracy theories about St. Luke’s, “based on defamatory statements about the St. Luke’s Parties and others kidnapping, trafficking, and killing children,” according to the hospital’s lawsuit. The hospital says PRN followers inundated its inboxes and phone lines with death threats and intimidating messages.

Those calls flooded the hospital’s switchboard, according to statements from St. Luke’s officials, and included messages such as:

“I’ll f—— kill you”

“If that baby is not returned to its mother there is going to be hell to pay”

“Groups are going to be coming . . . we’re coming”

“The governor of this state should be shot”

“It’s disgusting what this hospital is doing to this baby … sex trafficking … you are responsible for that”

“How about you give that baby an enema you baby killers? What is wrong with you morons? You are going to pay for this.”

“If anything happens to your [sic] child your ass is dead”

“You will be put in jail and executed”

“I am so f—— pissed off at you people right now, you have no right to be alive.”

Bundy hinted at a new armed standoff, should he lose the court case and have to pay damages. “They’re suing me for defamation. They’re probably going to try to get judgments of over a million dollars and take everything they have from me,” Bundy said. “And I’m not going to let that happen. I’m making moves to stop that from happening. And if I have to meet ’em on the front door with my, you know, friends and a shotgun, I’ll do that. They’re not going to take my property.”


An Idaho judge issued a civil arrest warrant Tuesday for Ammon Bundy, after he repeatedly failed to appear in court or respond to a lawsuit filed by St. Luke’s Health System. Ada County Judge Lynn Norton found probable cause that Bundy committed contempt and set his bail at $10,000, a figure she called “reasonable.” Bundy wasn’t present in the courtroom, though several of his supporters were.

✱ “I can’t really arraign him since he’s not here,” Judge Norton said.

✱ “I think it’s impossible not to conclude that, absent Mr. Bundy having some consequences for his actions, it will just continue,” said Erik Stidham, an attorney who is representing St. Luke’s.

✱ State law requires county sheriffs to serve these documents in legal cases. Failure to carry out these deliveries is a violation of St. Luke’s constitutional rights, according to its legal team.  


About Surley 2558 Articles
No hell below us, Above us only sky, Get over it