With so much going on in our world, we sometimes miss important issues. Please feel free to share any headlines or new developments we may have missed providing they come from reliable and credible sources. In other words, please do not post any missed headlines form far right ‘news’ sources or regurgitate their Russian propaganda unless you’re trying to point out that the far-right extremist in our country and elsewhere actually believe their own BS or Russian disinformation. We also ask that you provide a link to your source so folks can read it if they want. Please do not make any claims that you cannot factually validate or verify.
President Biden/Biden Administration:
2024 Election:
The Worst and Stupidest People in the World:
Putin’s Puppet:
And to Think This Idiotic, Moronic Buffoon was Once President and Wants to be Again:
Craven Assholes:
Meet the New Boebert Beau Because the Last One Wasn’t Trashy Enough:
^^^”Imma gonna sue!”
Uncle Byron Needs Attention:
The Grown Up Response:
Today in DeSantalini:
Thanks, MoRON:
The ClOwN HoUSe
State News:
Mississippi Court Rules Trans Girl Must Dress as Boy for School Graduation
Mississippi judge ruled in favor of a school district that told a transgender girl she must dress as a boy in order to attend her high school graduation.
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) on Thursday filed a lawsuit against the Harrison County School District on behalf of the student and her parents after Harrison Central principal Kelly Fuller and school district superintendent Mitchell King allegedly told the girl, who has not been identified publicly, that she must dress in male-presenting attire at the graduation ceremony, despite the fact she is a transgender girl.
U.S. District Judge Taylor McNeel in Gulfport on Friday sided with the school district, denying the ACLU’s complaint, according to court documents. McNeel was appointed to his position by former President Donald Trump, a Republican who has spoken out against transgender rights in the past.
Activist moms spy on each other in culture wars over schooling
Colorado Springs, ColoradoCNN —
Members of the conservative parental rights group Moms for Liberty are known for making impassioned and sometimes spicy speeches to school boards to complain that teachers are supposedly indoctrinating students. This can include mothers, often in the group’s trademark tee, standing at a lectern reading sex scenes from books they deem inappropriate to have near their children.
Supporters post videos of these speeches, some of which have gone viral. And the group has claimed success, pointing to growing membership nationwide as well as policies and elections going their way. But because Moms for Liberty is working on such a local level, opponents have found plenty of opportunities to take action.
“I just got back from forcibly re-closeting myself for 90 minutes to infiltrate a Moms for Liberty meeting. … I got so much juice!” a TikTok user who goes by Morgan Howls said in a video. The video is one of many on social media made by parents who say they’ve “infiltrated” the group and give details of its strategy to others who do not support its politics.