Happy Friday, News Viewers — and Happy Fathers Day to past, future, present fathers and those who become fathers to the fatherless.
My own father was a career Army chaplain, Southern Baptist born and bred, the one who taught me to always pack out my own garbage on the trail, that the Bible was myth written by humans and full of contradictions, evolution was THE miracle, that if he didn’t follow orders and go to Viet Nam, somebody else would have to go in his place, that war is insane regardless, never to use adjectives adverbally :-), shift down on ice and go with the skid, tell the truth, never eat white, green or red berries in the wild, in the West, nobody had great teeth like John Wayne or great hair like Clint Eastwood, your Mother put Marilyn to shame, here’s how to bait the hook, and see this? That’s the jack. This is how you change a tire. . . .
We have brains for a reason, he would say. And I lucked out in the father department, I would say. RIP Dad. . . .

Welcome to our Friday Free Chat here at News Views where the question must be asked….Javanka, are you giving Dad any Saudi dough for Father’s Day? inquiring minds. . .

All topics all the time, within reason, inside civility and in compliance with those expectations for an absence of assholery, bigoted, misogynistic or intolerant BS. For this community? Easy Peasy…. So SPILL people — what’s going on in your neck of the woods?