Hunter Biden at State Dinner After “Bombshell Whistleblower Report”

Whistleblowers, WhatsApp, and Wingnuts -- Oh My!

Hunter Biden attended the state dinner in honor of India’s Prime Minister Modi at the White House on Thursday night, and had wingnut tongues wagging.

Hunter Biden admitted guilt of tax crimes two days earlier, but the House Ways and Means Chairman Jason Smith released on Thursday some of IRS agent and whistleblower Gary Shapley’s information including a WhatsApp message from Hunter to Chinese businessman Henry Zhao.

Smith’s release accused the DOJ and IRS of interference and preferential treatment in the Hunter Biden investigation. Read the release here.

From the New York Times:

Taken at face value, the message would undercut President Biden’s longstanding claims that he had nothing to do with his son’s international business deals.

But it was not immediately clear whether Hunter Biden had been with his father when he sent the message or what his father — then a private citizen, having finished his term as vice president six months earlier — knew about his son’s negotiations with his potential Chinese partners.

It is also not clear whether Mr. Biden was using his father’s name without his knowledge to extract money in a business deal. Mr. Shapley, in fact, also told Congress that his investigation had uncovered some evidence that some of the claims of the elder Mr. Biden’s involvement were mere “wishful thinking.”
