Virginia “Gross Old Perverts” Party Official Displays a 16 Foot Penis Sign at Youth Baseball Game to Protest Woke

Virginia GOP Central Committee Representative Ron Hedlund displayed a massive penis sign with the words, “Biden Sucks” written across it at a youth baseball game at RF&P Park in Henrico County, Virginia. He defended his immature, juvenile, and disgusting choices after a community member said it was inappropriate because there were children present.

Back in May, a  a judge extended a protective order for another two years against Hedlund for threatening John Vithoulkas and his family. Vithoulkas serves as the county manager for Henrico County for the past 10 years.

Submitted into evidence was a series of clips that were filmed by Hedlund and Barthel. One of the clips has Ron Hedlund driving while Barthel filmed the house of Vithoulkas as Vithoulkas drives by. Another has Hedlund say the address of the Vithoulkas home. Another clip has Hedlund outside the home of Vithoulkas during a baby shower, filming a parked car and asking viewers to look up the vin number. Another clip also included Hedlund speaking about Vithoulkas while he was filming a noose.Perhaps the most damning evidence against Hedlund came from a tweet he made on May 21st, eleven days after the preliminary protective order was served. That tweet had the date and location of John Vithoulkas’s daughter’s wedding.

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