Fox News Interview Destroys Republican Case Against Biden

Trumpworld’s belief that Joe Biden had sought the ouster of Ukraine’s prosecutor general, Viktor Shokin, to benefit Burisma and Hunter Biden was debunked in 2019 during the Trump impeachment. But thanks to James Comer, his oversight committee, House Republicans, as well as Fox News, new life was breathed into the allegations that are one of two main theories backing an impeachment of President Biden.

(The other primary allegation, that Joe benefitted financially from Hunter’s business dealings, has failed to show any evidence.)

Last month, Fox News produced an interview with the fired Ukrainian prosecutor, Shokin, who was claiming that his ouster was solely a function of then-Vice President Biden pressuring then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in defense of Burisma. 

The facts that are known are that Shokin failed to investigate corruption in Ukraine or Burisma (in fact, he shielded the company), and this led to a multi-national push for his ouster as prosecutor.

Enter Brian Kilmeade, and his Sunday interview with former Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko.

Kilmeade played a clip from the Shokin interview in which the former prosecutor claimed that “Poroshenko fired me at the insistence of the then-vice-president Biden because I was investigating Burisma. … There were no complaints whatsoever, no problems with how I was performing at my job. But because pressure was repeatedly put on President Poroshenko, that is what ended up in him firing me.”

Kilmeade asked Poroshenko if this was what happened.

“First of all, this is the completely crazy person,” Poroshenko began. “This is something wrong with him.”

“Second,” the nonnative English speaker continued, “there is no one single word of truth. And third, I hate the idea to make any comments and to make any intervention in the American election.” He asked that Kilmeade “not use such person like Shokin to undermine the trust between bipartisan support and Ukraine.”

“He’s not your friend?” Kilmeade asked.

“I don’t see him — maybe four years or something,” Poroshenko replied. “At all. And I hate the idea to have him because he play very dirty game, unfortunately.”

“Okay, so that is not true,” Kilmeade continued. “He didn’t get fired because of Joe Biden.” Poroshenko confirmed that he did not, saying that Shokin was fired “for his own statement.”

See the full interview below.

Washington Post, Media Matters