Welcome to Friday’s free chat, TGIF, I repeat TGIF. . . . . This is the forum to freely chat about what’s happening in your world — and if nothing is going on where you are, then look up or down or into the middle distance. What do you see? Tell us your impressions; it may be the outlook is better than we think because emperors and enablers, all of them, have no clothes on, at some point, so we get to see them clearly (gee, what a treat…. 🙂 . . . . That’s the moment of clarity we call them out, we kick them to the curb, we take the country back. Who is “them?” Those daily RW haters. . . . .and yeah, time for that lot to hit the road. . . . .,
So. . . .what’s on your mind, your plate, your calendar, your heart and your windshield this foggy Friday? Let’s talk about it. . . . .