If Trump is elected he has already said not only will he be above the law, but his obsessions will remain the same: revenge and retribution for the disloyal, and pardons for his partners in crime. He has threatened this in the form of Martial Law.

Brett Wagner of the The San Francisco Chronicle describes what Martial Law would look like. On the morning of June 1, 2020, someone in the presidential chain of command looked into obtaining the Active Denial System, a weapon deemed by international treaties and conventions to be so heinous, so over-the-top, it is banned from ever being deployed by any nation on another nation’s soil — in preparation for clearing a largely peaceful Black Lives Matter protest in Lafayette Square.
This Orwellian “crowd control” device Trump sought to unleash on the BLM protesters, and would likely seek to normalize in a second term — is shaped like a standard satellite dish, fits on the back of a jeep and shoots out “pulsed directed energy waves” similar to a microwave oven — all designed to make you feel, right down to your nerve endings, like you’re being set on fire.
Another equally troubling weapon also requested that day is one with which I am less familiar: the Long Range Acoustic Device. Suffice it to say, it’s a sound cannon with an extremely high decibel range known to cause permanent hearing loss.
The 47th president can invoke the Insurrection Act and declare martial law, granting himself sweeping power to deploy U.S. armed forces on America’s streets. Military leaders who dare speak out against him, such as former Joint Chiefs Chairman Mark Milley, are rounded up and summarily executed. Meanwhile, SEAL Team 6 is deployed to assassinate his political rivals.
Let’s be clear: None of this is hyperbole. Trump has made it clear he has no problem deploying any of these measures. And he’s not alone: example: Kaitlin Collins pressed for information about the idea of Martial Law floated right before the insurrection . CNN
Brett Wagner, now retired, served as a professor of national security decision-making for the U.S. Naval War College and adjunct fellow at the Center for Strategic & International Studies.