Opill: OTC Birth Control Pills Now Available Online Without a Prescription

For the first time since the FDA approved oral contraceptives, (The Pill), women can now purchase an over the counter version online without a prescription, well until the Fundie Freaks find someway to ban them. Opill began filling orders on Monday and will ship them within a day or two. Consumers can also purchase Opill from Amazon.

“Because privacy is important to Perrigo, Opill orders will be sent in plain, unbranded boxes,” Sara Young, senior vice president and chief consumer officer at Perrigo, wrote.


The cost for Opill is $19.99 for a one-month supply, $49.99 for a three-month supply, and at Opill.com, a six-month supply will be available for $89.99.

Some major retail pharmacies, such as CVS and Walgreens, have said they will offer Opill once they receive their shipments.

“Opill will be available at CVS.com and through the CVS Pharmacy app in late March,” spokesperson Matt Blanchette wrote in an email. “In early April more than 7,500 CVS Pharmacy stores will offer Opill and for added privacy and convenience, customers will be able to choose same-day delivery or buy online and pick-up in store.”

The More You Know:

“The biggest population that will benefit from this are those who have limited access to contraception in the first place. There are a lot of people in our country that live in what we would call contraceptive deserts, and these are areas where they have limited to no access to a reproductive health care provider, meaning they’d have to drive really far away to be able to access a provider, or they may not have access to a pharmacy close by,” said Dr. Anne-Marie Amies Oelschlager, professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Washington School of Medicine, who specializes in adolescent care.

“In particular, this can impact adolescents who are often reliant on an adult to provide the transportation or the resources to be able to go to a provider, and this allows them to also access contraceptives with more privacy,” she said. “Similarly, people who may be in a domestic violence situation where there may be a component of contraceptive sabotage, where someone is either preventing them from using contraception or messing with their birth control, this way, they can access contraception without someone else’s knowledge.”

“Opill should be considered by individuals who desire birth control but are unable to see a primary care physician, gynecologist or other provider who can prescribe birth control pills,” Dr. Leana Wen, an emergency physician and adjunct associate professor at George Washington University said.
  • Opill is a daily birth control pill (also known as a POP or mini pill). It contains only one hormone, progestin, and is estrogen-free.
  • Opill works by thickening the cervical mucus, which helps block sperm from reaching the egg. In addition, Opill prevents ovaries from releasing eggs in some cycles.
  • Opill is 98% effective at preventing pregnancy when used as directed. It starts working 48 hours after you take the first pill. Make sure to keep using a barrier method such as condoms for the first two days to prevent pregnancy, or in case you are late taking the pill.
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