“Migrant Invader Bus” Hoax Launched by Michigan GOP MAGAs


Matt Maddock, a Michigan state GOP House Representative, who describes himself as ‘Trump-endorsed, Ranked Most Conservative State Rep, Freedom Caucus, Anti-Communist,’ has found himself on the far right side of the stupid scale.

After Maddock announced on social media that buses of “illegal invaders” were being given a police escort, a quick bit of sleuthing by a local reporter proved the “invaders” turned out to be the Gonzaga basketball team, coming in to Detroit for the NCAA tournament.

The Maddocks

Maddock is also husband to former Michigan GOP co-chair Meshawn Maddock, who was charged in the Michigan fake electors scheme to overturn the 2020 election.

Not to be out-MAGA’ed, the new Michigan GOP chairman, Pete Hoekstra, reposted the stupid tweet.

Some Context:

migrant from Mexico living in the U.S. illegally was arrested and charged Sunday with murder in connection to the death of his girlfriend in Michigan, according to police.

The anti-woke crusade has begun, making comparisons to the murder of Laken (Lincoln?) Riley. Or as some say, “Lanken.”

Brandon Ortiz-Vite, 25, admitted to killing Ruby Garcia, 25, with a handgun he admitted to purchasing illegally. Ortiz-Vite allegedly shot Garcia, his girlfriend, multiple times after an argument Friday before leaving her body on the side of the freeway and driving off with Garcia’s 2023 Mazda before abandoning it.

“Through the investigation, it is apparent that he and the victim, Ruby, were in a romantic relationship,” Kent County Prosecutor Chris Becker said Tuesday at a news conference. “So, this is another case of a domestic violence homicide that we’ve seen, quite frankly, far too often over the last few years.”


Of course, Fox News is not sure, but it looks like an opportunity to exploit the death of another innocent woman if it fits the political narrative.