Trump’s Viral Hug at an Atlanta Chick-Fil-A Was Staged With a Black MAGA Operative

A viral video of a Black Trump supporter who hugged TFG turned out to be a staged event with a MAGA operative who has worked with Candace Owens.

The purpose of the Atlanta trip was a fundraiser with a small group of billionaires in Buckhead, the wealthiest neighborhood in Georgia. But the campaign used a staged event at a local Chick-fil-A to create a three-days news cycle suggesting that there was a groundswell of black, working class Georgians who showed up to greet them. They posted photos that went viral on media and social media. 

Black Smoke and Mirrors

What looks like a spontaneous movement in a fast food restaurant attempting to show overwhelming support for Trump by Black people turned out to be a set up photo operative.

Meet Michaelah Montgomery:

Posting a Fox News interview, Trump introduced Michaelah on Truth Social as a founder of the group Conserve the Culture. Montgomery has worked as a Republican Party of Georgia intern for years, and has also worked for Blexit, which was founded by Candace Owens to recruit Black voters into voting for Trump and joining the Republican Party.

From our friends at Meidas Touch:

Montgomery doesn't need anyone's permission to support Trump, to be a Black conservative, or to get paid for Republican political work, but let's not pretend this is some organic event that unfolded. Montgomery has been working for MAGA Republican causes for years. Don't fall for the Fox News hosts pushing this as some kind of spontaneous indicator of support.