MAGAts Show Up Wearing Diapers at MAGAt, KKKult Rallies

Yes, mythical Virginia, MAGAts have attended KKKult rallies wearing diapers after TFG’s nickname, nickname, “VonShitzenpants,” went viral and entered into record in TFG’s NY, hush money trial all to own the libs. It’s still unclear if members of the KKKult show off their man bra to keeps their moobs in place.

From Snopes:

In April and May 2024, reports circulated that supporters of 2024 Republican presidential candidate and former U.S. President Donald Trump were gathering at rallies wearing diapers.

According to the posts, Trump supporters began to appear at rallies donning diapers and holding signs that said “Real Men Wear Diapers.” Some of them reportedly nicknamed the former president “Diaper Don,” and one woman wore a sweater that said “Diapers Over Dems.” We found some of the clothes they wore for sale, though we weren’t able to establish when those designs were posted for purchase — it may have been after the purported trend went viral.

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