Clown House Leaders Vote to File Brief Supporting Steve Bannon

Speaker Mike Johnson and the GOP Clown House voted Tuesday behind closed doors to reject the previous Congress’ handling of the Jan. 6 select committee, a last-minute effort to keep Steve Bannon out of jail for contempt of Congress.

In a 3-2 vote, GOP Clown House leaders voted to file an amicus brief to the DC Circuit Court of Appeals (who is hearing Steve Bannon’s appeal to overturn his conviction), arguing their criticisms of Nancy Pelosi’s decisions regarding the appointment of January 6 Committee members.

The GOP’s leaders’ decision came from a vote of the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group, which consists of Johnson, Steve Scalise, Tom Emmer, Hakeem Jeffries, and Katherine Clark — hence the 3-2 vote. 

The DOJ is expected to file a brief with the Extreme Court today, urging them to allow Steve-O to go directly to jail by July 1.

Chief Justice John Roberts may decide the matter as soon as this afternoon, or may refer it to the full court for further consideration. Roberts previously rejected the same appeal from Peter Navarro.

Georgia MAGAt Barry Loudermilk, chair of a House Administration Committee’s subcommittee on oversight, is also planning to file an amicus brief to the Supremes, arguing that the Jan. 6 select committee did not have the authority to conduct depositions under the House resolution that authorized it.

Loudermilk’s brief is citing a requirement for consultation with a minority-appointed ranking member before holding a deposition, while ignoring the lawfulness of the subpoena that the select committee issued to Bannon.