White Women Break Zoom For Kamala

More than 160,000 people joined a Zoom call on Thursday night to build support for Kamala Harris among white women, a voter demographic that has supported Donald Trump in the past two elections.

Organized by Shannon Watts, the founder of Moms Demand Action, a gun-safety group with about 10 million members, the video call included activists, podcasters, the singer Pink and regular voters, several who said they regretted not doing enough before the 2016 election that put Trump in the White House.

On Thursday’s Zoom call, participants discussed strategies, including reaching out to friend groups, fundraising and countering misinformation.

White women supported Trump over Hillary Clinton in 2016, 47% to 45%, Pew Research shows. In the 2020 election, an even higher number of white women, 53%, supported Trump.

Democrats believe Republicans’ anti-abortion extremism will help Kamala “Roe The Vote.”

A “White Men Against MAGA” video call on Wednesday that focused on battling Trump’s Make America Great Again movement attracted only around 1,000 attendees. 

Reuters, US News & World Report