Melania Supports Abortion Rights in New Memoir

In Melania Trump’s memoir, scheduled to be published in the U.S. next Tuesday, the former BeBest FLOTUS passionately defends abortion rights, even as her hoosband helped destroy Roe v. Wade, the SCOTUS ruling that protected womens’ rights to an abortion since 1973.

The Guardian obtained a copy of the memoir, which primarily focuses on Melanie’s youth in Slovenia, her modeling career in New York, and her love for Donald Trump.

Before addressing her support for abortion rights, Melanie added this disclaimer: “Occasional political disagreements between me and my husband,” she says, are “part of our relationship, but I believed in addressing them privately rather than publicly challenging him.”

BeBest even went into detail in several scenarios, saying there are “legitimate reasons for a woman to choose to have an abortion”, including danger to the life of the mother, rape or incest, often exceptions under state bans, and also “a congenital birth defect, plus severe medical conditions.”

She writes: “It is important to note that historically, most abortions conducted during the later stages of pregnancy were the result of severe fetal abnormalities that probably would have led to the death or stillbirth of the child. Perhaps even the death of the mother. These cases were extremely rare and typically occurred after several consultations between the woman and her doctor. As a community, we should embrace these common-sense standards. Again, timing matters.”

“The slogan ‘My Body, My Choice’ is typically associated with women activists and those who align with the pro-choice side of the debate,” she writes. “But if you really think about it, ‘My Body, My Choice’ applies to both sides – a woman’s right to make an independent decision involving her own body, including the right to choose life. Personal freedom.”

Melanie also said she disagreed with her hoosband on some aspects of immigration policy as an immigrant herself.