No, MAGAts, McDonald’s Did Not Confirm Trump’s Baseless Claim About Kamala Harris’ Employment

Straight out of The Felon Guy’s lying ass to his KKKult who constantly repeats and actually believes his lies, “Kamala Harris never worked at McDonald’s but I got a participation prize for working at a closed and staged McD’s, the coveted ‘French Fry Certification Pin.'” But, In a message to employees obtained by The Washington Post, the fast-food giant made clear that it isn’t saying what Trump says it’s saying.

VP Harris stated on the campaign trail she worked at McDonald’s in 1983 while in college. Of course, The Felon Guy pounced on her assertion and claimed “Harris had invented her service with the fast-food chain, Trump can play the same game he played with Barack Obama in 2011: Elevate a murky biographical detail in an effort to hopefully make people wary of a Black Democrat.” TFG’s racism strikes again but only other racists believe his crap.

Philip Bump from WaPo contacted the fast food giant but the details appear ‘murky.’ First off, we did not digitize records back 1983; the records do not exist. Why would they since they’re not considered essential documents to retain?

Because no documentation or records of Harris’ employment exist, TFG and MAGAt world has flipped this issue “to suggest that she never worked there at all, that she was simply an elitist attempting to pose as someone with working-class roots. And to really hammer that argument home, the billionaire former president spent part of Sunday posing as a McDonald’s employee. (The restaurant was closed, and the cars that went through the drive-through were supporters who had been screened by the Secret Service.)

On his social media platform, Trump claimed that his campaign had obtained proof that Harris’s assertions were false.

Notice the rhetorical jump there: from “no record of working” to “never worked.” It’s like saying that, if America’s collective memory and documentation of its history suddenly evaporated, we could prove that Trump was never president, since no record of his having done so exists.

The fast food giant did not particularly like this type of attention so, they released a statement to their employees that stated that just because no records of Harris’s employment exist, it is “not an aberration and not a reason to think that she didn’t.” Again, during the pre-digital era, companies did not retain these types of records; they did not need to.

The reference to “1 in 8” is to a corporate marketing program highlighting that (it claims) about 1 in 8 Americans have at some point worked for the chain. As McDonald’s clearly accepts that Harris did.

About that McD’s in Feasterville-Trevose, PA….

McDonald’s Donald Trump Worked at Failed Last Health Inspection

A report from the Bucks County Department of Health after an inspection on March 27 cited health code violations at the restaurant, including employees not having “hands clean and properly washed.”

The report also say that employees did not wear hair restraints; neither did The Felon Guy.

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