Neo Nazi Nick Fuentes Confronted at His Home After “Your Body, My Choice” Comments

After posting his vile tweet telling women he pretty much owns their bodies, Neo Naz,i Nick Fuentes, was doxxed online.

On Sunday, police responded to a call from outside of Fuentes home in suburban Chicago. Marla Rose, 57, posted on Facebook that she was about to ring Fuentes’ doorbell when he opened the door, sprayed her with a liquid, took her phone, pushed her down the steps and went back inside. Her friend was who called the police immediately as she sat in her car and witnessed the event.

Rose shared a video of the altercation Tuesday on Facebook. In the video, Fuentes opens the door and points what appears to be a spraying device toward the camera. The person holding the camera says, “Oh, my God, what are you doing?” and the camera seems to be knocked over as Fuentes says, “Get the f— out of here.” Fuentes then grabs the phone, takes it inside the house and appears to lock the door, and the video ends. 

The Berwyn Police Department confirmed that it got a call Sunday involving Fuentes and Rose. Deputy Chief Michael Ochsner Jr. said that “at this time, neither party is willing to cooperate with the investigation, so we are unable to take it any further until there is a change to that status.” 

Following the incident, Vice news interviewed Marla Rose:

How did you find out about where Fuentes lived? 
Well, once he got doxed and his address was out there… he’s very atypical of Berwyn. Berwyn is a multicultural inner-ring suburb of Chicago, ten minutes from the city border. It’s very atypical for someone like that [to live there]. So I think people were surprised. 

And then I was seeing a lot of chatter of people saying, ‘Well, I’m going to send him dirty diapers, and I’m going to send him dog poo, and I’m going to send him used menstrual products,’ or whatever it was. I also probably got at least, I don’t know, eight to a dozen messages from friends going, ‘Did you know he lives in your town?’

There was a curiosity among my friends—and admittedly my own curiosity—to see, was he getting these deliveries? Were there protesters outside of his house? Was there any kind of, like, hubbub around his environment? There was also chatter that it wasn’t really his house, that he just owned it and was renting it [out].

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