Liveblog - ICYMI: January 30, 2025

Today’s blog will focus on news happening in our country and around the world. But, there is a lot to report on The Fascist Felon and his Brownshirts–their gross incompetence, numerous power grabs, the racism and misogyny that oozes a green, disgusting slime from every pore and orifice these subhuman, fascist freaks have. We will also focus on how their policies and agenda are affecting all of us and not in a good way.

Please feel free to share whatever headlines you might find providing they can be verified and are from credible sources, not some McMAGAt shithole.

PSA- News Views Needs Your Help:

We have lost a few people because of family and personal health related issues in the last several months. Y’all know this because some of you asked about certain people. Having said that, we cannot keep up in ‘real time’ because shit is hitting the fan very quickly.

If you would like to contribute to our endeavor and publish a few articles, let one of us know in the comment section; I suggest replying to PMS or me directly. The only requirement we have is the ability to coordinate and communicate as a team. We discuss what we post as a ‘stand alone’ thread and what can be placed in our daily blog—-which is getting longer because we cannot keep up. Let us know if you’re interested.

More Updates on the American Eagle Jet and Army Helicopter Collision:

The Fascist Felon and His Brownshirts Take Center Stage-Only a McMoronic MAGAt Would Believe this Crap:

The Blame Game:

DEI MAGAt Style-Deflection, Exclusion, and Ignorance:

Incompetence and Validating Racism and Misogyny:

Translation: White Males Only Need Apply:

The DUI Hire:

The Brownshirts:

Buried Updates:

The Worst Garbage in the World:

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    WTF, America?! What the actual F?!