Roger Stone Leaves First Day of Trial Early Complaining of Food Poisoning

As jury selection and swearing in was proceeding in day one of Roger Stone’s trial in a federal court in Washington, Stone’s defense attorney told Judge Amy Berman in a sidebar that his client was not feeling well.

On two occasions, Stone was allowed to leave the courtroom to use the restroom. The judge even offered anti-diarrheal medication to the defendant.

“I have Imodium in my chambers,” she said.

The judge noted that they could postpone the proceedings if Stone was unable to face his potential jurors, not wanting to waive his constitutional rights to be present.

Later in the morning the judge noted that Stone did not look well.

“Your client seems to have his eyes closed and his head in his hands. And I just want to make sure we should keep going,” Jackson said.

Eventually the defense attorney asked for an early lunch break.

“I understand. I think everybody is operating in good faith here,” the judge responded. “Over the hour, you have the opportunity to consult with — I believe there’s a medical professional in his family and the nurse in this building.”

Shortly after reconvening, Stone left the courthouse, waiving his right to be present.

More details here at CNN.