Trump’s reelection campaign is fundraising off Soleimani’s killing

Trump Uses Soleimani Killing to Raise Campaign Funds

(FILES) In this file photo taken on January 3, 2020 US President Donald Trump speaks during a ‘Evangelicals for Trump’ campaign event held at the King Jesus International Ministry in Miami, Florida. – President Donald Trump thumbed his nose January 5, 2020 at critics angered at being kept in the dark over the US killing of a top Iranian general, saying he didn’t need Congressional approval — even for a “disproportionate” strike. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has been leading the backlash against Trump’s decision to authorize a drone strike against Qasem Soleimani in Baghdad, an operation that Trump only officially informed Congress about on Saturday — nearly 48 hours after the event. (Photo by JIM WATSON / AFP)

If you’re happy about the U.S.’s killing of Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani, President Trump’s reelection campaign has a suggestion for how to show it: with a $100 donation to the Trump Make America Great Again Committee, the joint fundraising arm of the Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee.

“Thanks to the swift actions of our Commander-in-Chief, Iranian terrorist Qassem Soleimani is no longer a threat to the United States, or to the world,” reads an email sent to supporters Monday. “Finally, we have a President who will do whatever it takes to protect America at home and abroad. Iran’s Terrorist-in-Chief was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands, including hundreds of Americans in Iraq. He should have been taken out long ago.”


For the rest of the story, click Here for the Source: And additional information from AP: