Woman awarded over 750K in suit against the Daily Stormer

On Friday, Taylor Dumpson, the first black woman to serve as American University’s student government president, was “awarded more than $725,000 after ”The DailyStormer founder Andrew Anglin and a follower failed to respond to her lawsuit.”

In 2017, the neo-Nazi website launched a harassment campaign against her and encouraged its followers “troll storm” her on social media.

According to NBC:
“The judge awarded Dumpson compensatory damages of $101,429.28, punitive damages of $500,000, and attorneys’ fees and costs of $124,022.10. The judge also entered a restraining order against Anglin, his Moonbase Holdings limited liability company, and Brian Andrew Ade”.

More information found here:

Kristen Clarke who represented Ms Dumpson said: “the ruling should send a strong message to other white supremacists that they can and will be held accountable for hateful activity that constitutes unlawful discrimination, no matter whether it occurs online or in the real world,”

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