Germany bans ‘Combat 18’ neo-Nazi group; raids six states

Authorities banned a neo-Nazi group that saw itself as "Adolf Hitler's task force" and had links to the murder of a German politician. Police also conducted raids against the group in six states.

German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer banned on Thursday a right-wing extremist group that referred to itself as “Adolf Hitler’s task force.”


The neo-Nazi group, Combat 18, went against Germany’s constitutional order and was similar in nature to National Socialism[…]

The ban came as 210 officers on Thursday morning searched through apartments in the German states of Hesse, Thuringia and North Rhine-Westphalia as well as in three other states. […]

Calls to ban the group had been growing since the murder of German politician Walter Lübcke near Kassel in June 2019. His suspected murderer is thought to have had contact with members of Combat 18. Europol, the EU-wide police agency, also warned that Combat 18 posed a threat throughout Europe.

What is Combat 18?

Combat 18 is a militant neo-nazi organization formed in Britain in 1992. The number 18 in the name corresponds with the first and eighth letters in the alphabet —A and H— the first letters of Adolf Hitler’s first and last names. […]

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