Another fake “grassroots” right wing movement hi-jacks the media

Protests against COVID-19 restrictions, like the Tea Party protests, are corporate fronts.

Republican street theater, maybe even (or perhaps especially) when it threatens public safety or human decency, works like catnip to the mainstream media, who invariably trot out their prefabricated clichés about “economic anxiety.”

Honorable exceptions apart, the big media have done an execrable job on this issue, barely even attempting to understand the real motives of the rent-a-mob. Instead, they accept without comment the well-worn slogans like “freedom” and “government tyranny” that the protesters have been programmed with by FreedomWorks. When grocery clerks and nurses are terrified by the choice of work versus possible death or debilitation, the “economic anxiety” and “personal liberty” shticks might bear critical scrutiny.

Perhaps we are, after all, dealing with a zombie apocalypse: one created by decades of mind poisoning by Fox News and hate radio, whose effects could be as deadly as the viruses found in nature.

Full story at

Article submitted by Great Gazoo