‘No basis’ for Trump claims voting by mail leads to fraud-FEC Commissioner

Federal Election Commission (FEC) commissioner Ellen Weintraub on Wednesday strongly hit back at claims from President Trump that mail-in voting leads to high levels of fraud, asserting that there is “no basis” for such allegations and that the falsehoods “may well undermine the American people’s faith in our democracy.”

In a more-than-60-tweet thread on the subject, Weintraub cited a range of reports and news stories to argue that there is no evidence that voting by mail leads to widespread voter fraud. She described the president’s claims as “dead wrong,” “crying wolf,” “false” and a “debunked lie.”

“There’s simply no basis for the conspiracy theory that voting by mail causes fraud. None,” Weintraub said, pointing to fact-checks from The Washington Post and CNN, as well as reports from other organizations about the effectiveness of the voting method.

The Hill:

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