Navy upholds firing of the USS Theodore Roosevelt’s captain

The firing of Capt. Brett Crozier was upheld.

“The results of the investigation justified the relief,” said one person who has seen the investigation. “He failed to take appropriate action, to do the things that the commanding officer of a ship is supposed to do, so he stays relieved.”

The news brings to a close a highly publicized chain of events that started with an outbreak of the coronavirus onboard the Roosevelt in late March, which forced the ship to stop in Guam and offload its 5,000 sailors. Crozier caused an uproar when he wrote a letter pleading for help from Navy leadership as the coronavirus spread throughout his ship, which was later leaked to the media. Crozier was fired by then-acting Navy Secretary Thomas Modly, who later stepped down over remarks he made to the ship’s crew criticizing the captain’s actions.

Also the Navy will a not promote the senior officer on the Roosevelt, Rear Adm. Stuart Baker, the commander of Carrier Strike Group 9.


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