Pence Again Defends His Refusal to Say Black Lives Matter

Pastor Vice President Pence on CBS’s Face the Nation on Sunday refused to say Black Lives Matter, and defended his refusal to say it.

He said that all of his life he was inspired by the work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and that he cherishes the progress made toward a more perfect union for African Americans.

He said that as a pro-life American, he believes that all lives matter, the born and the unborn, and that the Black Lives Matter movement is a radical left movement.

“What I hear is while the radical left says we need to defund the police, what the American people want is for us to fund the police with additional training and support and also improve the lives of the people in our African American community, which I’m proud to say, under President Trump’s leadership, we were doing over the last three years,” he said.

And when All Lives Matter, according to Pence, the media focuses on more testing and more positive cases of COVID-19 instead of all of the lives the Trump administration has saved.

See CBS News.