Everyday now I’m seeing more and more videos of racists, bigots and anti mask pandemic morons.
In today’s episode of Loosing It, we have two updates:
The first is about a Florida Man at a Fort Meyers Costco back on 6/27.
The second update is about the so called Central Park Karen from May 25.
Here’s another side of Daniel Maples, when he feels “threatened”.
Daniel’s employer had the last word.
Central Park Karen (Amy) was about a lovely young lady who objected to leashing her dog. She too was fired and voluntarily and temporarily surrendered her dog. She has since regained custody.
Well, more bad news for Amy.
Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance on Monday stated his office had “initiated a prosecution of Amy Cooper for Falsely Reporting an Incident in the Third Degree. Our office will provide the public with additional information as the case proceeds.” NY Daily