New England Journal of Medicine Calls For US Leadership to be Voted Out

The New England Journal of Medicine released an unprecedented editorial on Wednesday that rebuked the leadership of the Trump administration in the COVID-19 pandemic, and called for Americans to vote them out in November.

The world’s most prestigious medical journal has remained non-partisan in its 208-year history, and has never before condemned nor endorsed a political candidate, until now. The editorial was only one of four in the journal’s history that was signed by all of the editors.

The editor-in-chief Dr. Eric Ruben said, “The reason we’ve never published an editorial about elections is we’re not a political journal and I don’t think that we want to be a political journal — but the issue here is around fact, not around opinion. There have been many mistakes made that were not only foolish but reckless and I think we want people to realize that there are truths here, not just opinions.”

The editorial castigated the Trump administration’s rejection of science, writing, “Instead of relying on expertise, the administration has turned to uninformed ‘opinion leaders’ and charlatans who obscure the truth and facilitate the promulgation of outright lies.”

New York Times

You can read the entire editorial here at the New England Journal of Medicine.


CNN, New York Times