Rush Limbaugh Says His Lung Cancer Has Progressed

Rush Limbaugh says he has had a setback in his fight against stage four lung cancer.

Limbaugh, 69, said recent scans show “some progression of cancer.” It’s “not dramatic, but it is the wrong direction,” he told listeners Monday. He said that previous scans had shown the cancer “dormant.”

“So we have to tweak the treatment plan, which we did, and the chemotherapy drugs in hopes of keeping additional progression at bay for as long as possible,” Limbaugh said. “The idea now is to keep it where it is or maybe have it reduce again. We’ve shown that that is possible.”

“Some days are harder than others,” he said. “I do get fatigued now. I do get very, very tired now. I’m not gonna mislead you about that. But I am extremely grateful to be able to come here to the studio and to maintain as much normalcy as possible – and it’s still true.”

Limbaugh announced in early February that he had “advanced” lung cancer confirmed by medical experts on January 20, saying on Monday that at the time he did not think he would live past September.

See USA Today